A little bit about my 1st Baby! Since you finished 1st grade you are missing school, but getting over it by having fun with friends and your sisters. You love our dog, Derby and are definatlet the one who spends the most time with him. (you and Mrs. Lewis, last day of school)
You are so funny. I love getting my camera out and snapping your silly faces. You are so handsome and growing up so big!
I LOVE THIS picture, your cletched teeth and eye on the ball... you smacked that out into the field. You have had SO much fun playing Couch Pitch and have really surprised me with your SKILLS!!!

You wanted to paint some stuff for your room so I cut out Arrows, your name, and we painted frames for your awesome ART! Your room is looking GREAT and I am so glad you wanted to help me make is AWESOME!
You are getting really excited to have another baby sister, and excited that when she's a couple months old she gets to share your room and you get to protect her. I love you SO much!!! You are the BEST boy anyone could ask for.
Thanks for being MINE!!!
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